Friday, April 13, 2007

Is European Civil War Inevitable By 2025?
pic swiped from GatesofVienna

This blog is a response to a two part discussion at
Gatesofvienna. This is a must read. Read the two part essay and responses. here and here.

I see a gloomy future for the West. We stand around worried about being nice and not offending anyone while millons plot to dominate us by any means. I wouldn't call what will transpire a civil war but rather an overt war of aggression by greater Islam. The timing of the overt phase will be decided by the attackers. For the past 30 years, the Muslim Brotherhood has been spreading and inspiring others toward a global Caliphate. While the various Islamic movements around the world may not be tightly coordinated, they inspire and encourage each toward greater Jihad. Radical sects and political/social Muslim groups everywhere are becoming more active and more insistent on imposing Sharia.

In the West particularly, sleeper cells have been infiltrating and establishing themselves. They are here for a reason. At some point, a triggering event such as coordinated NBC attacks or a threat by Iran will take place that will activate the cells. A call will go out to ALL Muslims to join the Jihad. A mob mentality will swell and not many will refuse.

Jihadi groups everywhere will move to attack non-Muslims and governments where they reside. In chess terms, it will be a full court press. A nuclear Iran along with a nuclear Pakistan run by Islamic fundamentalists would have the ultimate blackmail weapon.

How exactly the west and other governments respond will depend on the will of the people and leaders at the time. Looking at recent history, there will be a strong desire to capitulate in order to “save something” rather than fight it out to the end....“Better Dhimmi than dead”. Many will fight back but the outcome will be tenuous. To prevail, the West will have to decimate Islam as an organized entity.

However it spins out, the effects will be cataclysmic.