Saturday, August 11, 2007


This is just one more assault on America. the Chinese Communists for decades have been waging economic war and espionage against the west. Lately they have been making cyber assaults on our defense industry and military. The Chinese are also noted for their teaming up with American software companies to block their citizens from a free exchange of ideas. So we are being assaulted and invaded by the Chinese from the west, the Hispanics from the south, the Islamists from the east and Canada is a hotbed for all the above.

Stolen Simulations

August 11, 2007: A Chinese born man, Xiaodong Sheldon Meng pled guilty this week to stealing source code for American military flight simulators and selling it to China. The FBI and CIA have detected hundreds of such attempts to steal American military technology in the last eight years. That information led to over 400 formal investigations, and hundreds of arrests and prosecutions. Even with that, it appears that far more military technology is illegally making its way to China.