The Appeaser-In-Chief green lights the next terrorist attack in America.
I'm posting this editorial by one of the foremost humor/political websites out there, PIGAZETTE. Hambo has a pierceingly accurate take on Hussein Obama's first step toward accommodating international Islamic terrorism.
Steaming Load of the Week
Steaming Load #1: The Appeaser-In-Chief green lights the next terrorist attack in America.
Today, with a few strokes of the presidential pen, the Appeaser-In-Chief signed the death warrant for hundreds, probably thousands, of American civilians. One of you, or someone you know, is on the short list for an untimely, terrorism-induced demise, because the Appeaser-In-Chief is a gutless, terrorist coddling, legend in his own mind who hasn't got the stones to fight America's enemies.
I get the fact that he’s paying off his neo-Marxist, terrorist loving, supporters. I also get the fact that he just eliminated some of America’s most reliable weapons in the war on terror. Club Gitmo, harsh interrogations, are our best, most reliable, weapons in this war against Messiah Barry’s Jihadikaze homeboys, and he threw it all away.
Barrack Hussein Obama sent a clear signal to terrorists that the United States of America is defenseless and begging for another terrorist attack on its own soil. After he reaps what he sowed, the Appeaser-In-Chief, aided and abetted by his minions, will do what comes naturally, by trying to shift the blame. He'll blame Bush, Neocons, whomever, and it might work with Obamunists, and the press.
Here in the Free State of PIG, we know the truth, and it’s not a pretty picture. The attack the Appeaser-In-Chief just gave the green light is his, and his alone. The deaths he just ORDERED are his fault and that blood is, no matter how much he tries to vote ‘present’, on his hands. We won't let you duck this one, prompter punk.
Normally, this is where I’d ‘flush’ this turd, but not this time. Thanks to the Obamunist horde and the broadcast blowjob brigade, this turd will be splashing around in the Oval Office bowl, for AT LEAST 8 years, probably much longer.
Parting shot: Those street legal firearms in your gun locker just became your first line of defense in the war on terror, welcome to the Jihadikaze bull's-eye Sparky.
Perpetrated by: Hambo