Sunday, January 25, 2009

'Please help me!' British mother convicted of adultery in Dubai flees in fear of losing her children

This tragic but commnon story illustrates why no non-Muslim woman should ever marry a Muslim. Even converting to Islam is of no help to her when things go wrong. In the event of a breakdown of the marriage, the man will always have an overwhelming advantage in Sharia courts. In the final analysis, Sharia in a Muslim state always trumps civil law, and so guarantees the woman will lose everything, including her children.


'Please help me!' British mother convicted of adultery in Dubai flees in fear of losing her children

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 1:31 PM on 25th January 2009

A British mother facing three months in a Dubai jail after an appeal court upheld her conviction for adultery is on the run with her two young children.
Marnie Pearce, 40, fled with her sons Laith, seven and Ziad, four, after a court ruled that she should be jailed for three months for being unfaithful to her Egyptian ex-husband Ihab El-Labban, 41.
Pearce insists she never had an affair, but was framed by her former lover so he could win custody of their sons.

Dubai's Appeal Court ordered the teaching assistant from Bracknell, Berkshire, to be deported after the prison term had been served, and pay of fine of 3,000 dirhams (£593).

On the run: Marnie Pearce has left her home with sons Laith (top) and Ziad
At the time of the ruling, Pearce stayed away from the court on advice that if her guilty verdict were upheld it might lead to her immediate arrest and imprisonment.
Under Dubai law the husband of convicted adulterers decides when they should go to jail.

When Pearce discovered that El-Labban was about to tell police of her whereabouts she went on the run.
She said she had no other option but to flee with her children.
'My ex-husband found out where I am and got a message to a friend warning that unless I hand myself in to the police in the morning he will send the police round,' Pearce told the Sunday Mirror.

'So I have to move on. I have to run. I don't know where I am going to stay but I have to get out.

'If I stay I may lose my children and I can't let that happen.'