Congressman Ellison meets with CAIR despite Arizona Congressional warning
As a born again Muslim, Keith Ellison has no choice but to aid and abet Islam in any way he can. And yes, Muslims should be barred from any elected office or government position because that will be used for the furtherance of Islam. For that matter, no Muslim should ever hold a position in a private business that requires a security clearance. In the final analysis, a Muslim must always side with Islam over any other entity.
BTW, WTF is Ellison doing trooping off to Arizona to give speeches to CAIR?
Congressman Ellison meets with CAIR despite Arizona Congressional warning
Islamocongressman Keith Ellison was given a letter from a Congressional delegation, stating that he should stay away from the Islamic terrorist supporters of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Mr. Ellison has once again shown us which side he is on, and has defied the request. Voting for Muslims is a mistake, as they will use the power to advance their Islamic agenda.
Hat tip to Macho Girl.
The only Muslim in Congress defied criticism from Arizona's congressional delegation and spoke Friday at a fundraiser for the local chapter of a national organization with suspected links to Hamas.
U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and U.S. Reps. Trent Franks and John Shadegg, both Arizona Republicans, wrote a letter urging Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., to shun the Arizona chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
"We are deeply concerned that any official support of this organization would undermine the legitimate concerns of federal investigators about CAIR's relationship to foreign terrorist organizations," the letter said.
But Ellison, a Muslim convert, came anyway and was applauded by about 300 people who attended a dinner at the Hilton Phoenix East/ Mesa. Ellison spoke about the fresh start in relations with Islamic countries under President Barack Obama's administration.
"I would never associate myself with anyone even soft on terrorism," he said before the speech. "We all want to fight terror. We all want to live in a safe community."
The fears Kyl, Franks and Shadegg expressed in the letter are "ridiculous," he said.
BTW, WTF is Ellison doing trooping off to Arizona to give speeches to CAIR?
Congressman Ellison meets with CAIR despite Arizona Congressional warning
Islamocongressman Keith Ellison was given a letter from a Congressional delegation, stating that he should stay away from the Islamic terrorist supporters of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Mr. Ellison has once again shown us which side he is on, and has defied the request. Voting for Muslims is a mistake, as they will use the power to advance their Islamic agenda.
Hat tip to Macho Girl.
The only Muslim in Congress defied criticism from Arizona's congressional delegation and spoke Friday at a fundraiser for the local chapter of a national organization with suspected links to Hamas.
U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and U.S. Reps. Trent Franks and John Shadegg, both Arizona Republicans, wrote a letter urging Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., to shun the Arizona chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
"We are deeply concerned that any official support of this organization would undermine the legitimate concerns of federal investigators about CAIR's relationship to foreign terrorist organizations," the letter said.
But Ellison, a Muslim convert, came anyway and was applauded by about 300 people who attended a dinner at the Hilton Phoenix East/ Mesa. Ellison spoke about the fresh start in relations with Islamic countries under President Barack Obama's administration.
"I would never associate myself with anyone even soft on terrorism," he said before the speech. "We all want to fight terror. We all want to live in a safe community."
The fears Kyl, Franks and Shadegg expressed in the letter are "ridiculous," he said.