Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Iran's Dangerous Nuke Game

Somebody had better neutralize Iran's nuclear capabilities, and pretty damn soon. There is a lot of hand wringing about how Iran's proxies like Hezbollah will wreak havoc around the world in retaliation. Well, better to get them to come out and play so we can destroy them too. If Iran can't handle it's own problems, can Hezbollah be such a threat?
Iran's Dangerous Nuke Game
By Peter Brookes
New York Post | 1/8/2008
IRAN turned up the heat this week on still-sim mering concerns about its atomic aspirations. It crowed that its 1,000-megawatt Bushehr nuclear-power plant would be "online" as early as this spring, putting in place another important building block of its nuclear program.
That sort of news can't help but rattle the steadiest of nerves, no matter what the (narrowly focused) US National Intelligence Estimate on Iran's nuclear-weapons program said about the current state of affairs.
Seemingly not swayed one iota by the NIE's conclusions, you have to wonder if Israel - the country most threatened by an Iranian nuclear (weapons) breakout - might take matters into its own hands.
It has done so twice before - and the time may be here again.
In a 1981 dawn raid lasting less than 90 seconds, Israeli Defense Force fighters attacked the nearly completed 40-megawatt Iraqi Osirak nuclear-reactor complex, setting back Saddam's ability to produce fissile material for nukes.
And again last September, the IDF allegedly struck a nascent Syrian nuclear program, which possibly was benefiting from outside help, in a preventive airstrike that may have also been meant as a warning to Iran of unpleasant things to come.
But why strike now?