Friday, January 11, 2008

Prelude to a Palestinian Bloodbath

A quick history of "Palestine" and Israel in 1000 words and how that history is leading to a bloodbath.
Palestinian State, Jordan
Prelude to a Palestinian Bloodbath
By Alan Caruba
Friday, January 11, 2008

One of the most astonishing aspects of President Bush’s visit to Israel is the demand for a Palestinian “State.” Such a state exists. It is called Jordan.
In 1922-23, the League of Nations gave the British a formal mandate to govern Palestine, making them responsible for “putting into effect the declaration…in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” The British set aside land, more than three times the size apportioned to Jews, which was then called Trans-Jordan.
Arab attacks on the Jews who emigrated were a constant factor in the pre-Israel decades, including riots in Jerusalem and Hebron. In Europe, as WWII raged, the Nazis set about the deliberate extermination of the continent’s Jews, resulting in the deaths of six million.
When on November 29, 1947 the United Nations ended the British Protectorate of “Palestine” it created a partition. When Israelis established themselves as a sovereign nation, the immediate Arab response by Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Trans-Jordan, and Iraq, was to attack its Jewish population.