Friday, January 4, 2008

The rape of Israel

Olmert continues to destroy Israel from within. I just don't get it. What is his motivation to systematically weaken his own country? Caroline B. Glick points out his actions and consequences, but even she offers no concrete reasons for his behavior.

If Israel falls, the Islamic world will take that as a signal to rise up and make a full court press against the western world. They will think, with some justification that if the West won’t defend Israel, then the West is weak enough to submit to Sharia.

The rape of Israel
By Caroline B. Glick

To offset the public's demand for his resignation which an Israeli government report will likely cause, Olmert has worked overtime. To this end, he courts Syria, advocates Israel's withdrawal from Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem, refuses to take action against either Iran, or the burgeoning Iranian-trained Hamas army in Gaza
And certain Jewish elements in the Jewish State couldn't be more thrilled

Last week New York's Jewish Week reported that the editor of Israel's self-described "newspaper of record" asked the US Secretary of State to rape his country and told her that his erotic fantasy is to watch America rape Israel.
On September 10, at a dinner at the home of US Ambassador Richard Jones, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met with a group of Israeli "elites." Among the elitists was Ha'aretz editor David Landau. According to the Jewish Week, Landau "referred to Israel as a failed state' politically, one in need of a US-imposed settlement. He was said to have implored Rice to intervene, asserting that the Israeli government wanted 'to be raped' and that it would be like a 'wet dream' for him to see this happen.
When questioned by the paper, Landau claimed this account of his comments was inaccurate, but then confirmed saying that 'Israel wants to be raped' into a settlement and said he told Rice it was his 'wet dream' to address her on the issue. He added that several people came up to him afterwards and congratulated him for his remarks, claiming that, "I articulated what many Israelis feel."
Actually, almost no Israelis feel what Landau expressed. But his views are shared by his newspaper and by a significant portion of the elitists who dominate the country.