Muslim Feedback on the Death of a Sea Turtle
A look into the mind of a practitioner of Islam. Lovely.
A TROP Original
Muslim Feedback on the Death of a Sea Turtle
Understanding Islam through Dialogue
Palestinians made a wonderful discovery when this rare, ancient sea turtle was found off Gaza! (They quickly flipped the noble creature on its back, kicked it around a bit, and then stabbed it to death). Video
Our picture and brief commentary on the sad story of a helpless sea turtle butchered on the beach by Palestinians desperate for sexual potency seems to have reminded some readers of other creatures slaughtered under the sword of Islam for the crime of being different.
Normally we don't print the e-mail that comes to us, but, in this case the writer invited us to do so. We also feel that it would be educational for some of our non-Muslim critics, who don't seem to understand that Islam is truly different from other religion:
Hi, I've just seen your report on how Palestinians presumably in GAZA found and ancient seat turtle and slaughtered it for MEDICINAL use and for its TASTY MEAT!! am not going to expect your site to be objective and partial when it comes to anything to do with Islam and Muslims. but to be honest you made laugh with your comments, seriously it hilarious.... when in the report it stated "You could hear the turtle croak as the shock of being killed set in"...ROFL... you know what i could say the same thing for nick berg, both animals died the same way, only one for them got a burial which unusual for a Jewish pig when mujahideen put the knife to his throat, personally i would've dumped him in a cesspool but i guess no rat of cockroach would his body around them! oh yes, you can share this message with your readers , especially its coming from a muslim, ALLAH be praised! Abu ayyash Al ansaari "Abushabaab"
Now, we offer the sincere disclaimer that Abushabaab doesn't speak for all Muslims. And, in an age of trolls, it is not even certain that he is who he says he is, of course, but we do take him at his word, since his message is quite similar to others that come to us from time to time.
In fact, Abushabaab may be closer to the Muslim mainstream than most of us would be comfortable admitting.
The Qur'an does advocate killing "enemies of Allah," even as it insists that Jews fall into this category. Remember that there were no mass demonstrations of anger or remorse over the murder of Daniel Pearl. This is not to say that there was widespread Muslim joy over the heinous act, but when apathy is the best that a people can offer over slaughter in the name of their faith, then it would be best not to delude ourselves into pretending that Islam is as harmless as other religion.