Atlas is rightly on this like ugly on a ape. We cannot allow Muslim honor killings to go unpunished in America. To do so is to accede to Islam and become dhimmis in our own land.
If you have a blog, pick this up and keep it in circulation.
Here's the thing. We (the citizenry) are going to have to apprehend this killer. Law enforcement officials in Irving are playing politically correct politics with the murder of these young desperate girls. Free men must bring the killer to justice.
Imagine , if you will, two black men were lynched in the South. Imagine the reaction by law enforcement, citizens....... media. The whole country would be galvanized. Their killers would have been caught in a heartbeat.
Why should this be different? This was two more lynching victims by the Islamic community. This man brought his barbaric islamic practice from Egypt, tortured these girls for years. Beat them, raped them, kicked them in the head ....repeatedly and then finally murdered them (and even with nine bullets in her body, Sarah called 911 for help). The West must purge Islamic violence from our communities without exception.
That 911 call may have kept Yaser Said from escaping the country. Many who believe in the practice of "honor killings" in Islam would help him. His son Islam would help him.
‘Honour killing’ brother blames victims .
During the vigil, the girls’ brother took the microphone, saying his father did not kill his sisters.
“They pulled the trigger, not my dad,” he said.
What does that tell you? The control is inbred in the son.
Directly related: Texas: Dis-Honor killing of two sisters
(hat tip Scarlett Crusader)
These girls trusted the West. These believed the West would save them. They believed that education would save them They poured themselves into school, were enrolled in many AP level classes. They played soccer, tennis, ......they got scholarships. They secretly went to certain teachers to express their terrible fear of their father. "I remember her telling me that her dad told her he would take her back to Egypt and have her killed," she said. "He said it's OK to do that over there if you dishonor your family." (article here)
No one helped them.
They went to the courts to report the rape when they were 7 and 8 (the mother, who failed them miserably, did sign the affidavit attesting to the rape). The judge dismissed the charges when they recanted a month a later (clearly under threat of violence. No one helped them (and that judge should be disbarred).
Said physically and emotionally abused his children.
In October 1998, when Amina and Sarah were 9 and 8 years old, they accused their father of sexual abuse.The allegations were reported to the Hill County sheriff's office, where the girls told a detective their father had been touching them inappropriately. Amina told authorities she had been penetrated at least once.
Lewisville police responded to a call at the residence on Dec. 26, 2007 on a report of a missing person, Capt. Kevin Deaver said. The father Yaser Abdel Said reported the girls missing. The mother, Patricia, had taken the girls to the Great aunts home but brought them back home to be murdered just 5 days later.
Amina and Sarah's Aunt Gail will be my guest on Atlas on the Air this Wednesday 12 noon.
The West failed them in life. We cannot fail them in death too. If this murdering Muslim gets away with the murder of of his daughters (in the Islamic tradition of honor killings) - it is an enormous victory for Islam (and Sharia) in the West. It sends a horrific message that we will tolerate, ignore such acts of barbarism. It will send girls/women living in the West under Islamic oppression in their homes, even further down the rabbit hole. This Islamic savage trend will only increase if we don't put an immediate stop to it.
If I were born into a situation like Amina and Sarah Said, I would have behaved the same way, embraced the same things, fought back the same way and been murdered with the same savagery.
Law enforcement officials in Irving are dragging their heels. Seems they might not want to upset the just under half of the population in that town that's Muslim. Shame on them. If they are hoping the case gets forgotten this will never happen. Look what Amina inscribed on her picture on myspace page ..."I don't want to become a memory."
We cannot let that happen. These girls did not die in vain.
Contribute to the Crimestoppers fund.
If the pot is large enough someone will come forward. Someone picked that pig up covered in blood, after he shot and killed those girls. There had to have been an accomplice to pick Yaser Abdel Said up from the crime scene which was in the parking lot of the Omni Mandalay Hotel at 231 Las Colinas Boulevard Irving TX. He knew exactly where to park out of the camera's vision. And while it was near the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, it was not walking distance. Someone had to pick him up, there is quick access to Interstate Highways just two blocks away.
People know. If there is enough money involved, someone will talk. Their murder was pre-meditated.
To help this cause Please Send Money Orders or Checks to:
North Texas Crime Commission Said Fund. NTCC 1601 Elm Street, Suite 2350 Dallas, Texas 75201