"Yaser's Girl", A Mom from Hell
Pam does an outstanding job of looking into the despicable behavior of Patricia Said, mother of Amina and Sarah Said. This is a window into how many Muslim families treat their daughters. This is the face of Islam.
Atlas Shrugs Exclusive:
"Yaser's Girl", A Mom from Hell
Current myspace profile picture for honor killing ma
I wanted to find out more about the mom of Amina and Sarah Said and I have to tell you what I saw was not pretty, and I don't mean literally (although that too).
I wanted to know more about a mother that would take her children back to a beast that raped her two little girls, ages 7 and 8 (even after she signed an affidavit attesting to the rape).
I wanted to know more about a mother that dragged her girls back to that snake of a father, back from Kansas and then Oklahoma after they had managed to get away, only for the girls to be murdered upon their return. I wanted to know more about a mother who would bury her daughters in an Islamic burial ceremony when they specifically said they did not want to be buried Muslim.
I checked out her my space page .......URL
And check out this comment..........
Two kids Tissie? Huh? In Islamic countries, two women equal one man but not here in the West, sweetie. Patricia Said had three kids (not two), Amina, Sarah and her "favorite" - son, Islam. Islam is a a hater. He hates all non-Muslims. He has threatened family members. Refused non-Muslim family members from attending Amina and Sarah's funeral.
His hero? His beast of a father, of course. Islam claims his father is innocent despite his sister Sarah's dying 911 call. He claims his sisters "pulled the trigger".
The mother (who brought the girls back to their father to be killed) posted the above remark on her myspace page in August 2007, "ISLAM THE BEST ONE OUT OF OUT OF MY TWO KIDS". I wonder how that made the girls feel (she has no pictures of Sarah up on her picture profile - just Yaser, Islam, Amina and camels).
good ole ma ............... went to live with Yaser's brother, Mohsen, one day after the girls were buried. That's right, went to live with the brother of the murderer of her daughters, a day after they were buried. That too is an Islamic tradition. Why isn't law enforcement pressing this woman on what she knows ........ because she knows plenty. Yaser's girl. EVIL.
Amina's myspace page here .
Islam (the brother's) myspace page.