Many Muslims in Britain Want Sharia
This is a comment from the comments section at the Spectator. Whoever C Powell is, he is able to summarize how and why immigrants of all backgrounds should adapt to and assimilate into the societies they chose to join.
Wise words for all Western societies.
Well done, C Powel.
C Powell
July 8th, 2008 5:21pm
You know what: I would vote like a shot for the party which said the following - to Muslims in particular - but to all "communities" (whether racial/religious/sexual or anything else I've forgotten): -
1. All citizens of the UK are entitled to be treated equally under the law of the UK i.e. English law (and in Scotland Scottish law) and under no other.
2. Everyone - as citizens - has the same rights as everyone else but no more than anyone else, no matter how special you think your religion/sex/colour/ethnic background is and no matter how aggrieved you feel. So don't even bother asking. It is not the job of government to soothe hurt feelings; ask your mother or grow up. If you do ask and accompany those requests/pleas with threats of or actual violence do not be surprised if your fellow citizens don't think much of you (at best) or despise/fear you (at worst).
3. If you want respect, don't demand it. Earn it by your conduct.
4. All citizens are expected to abide by all our laws in full.
5. You are free to live your own lives how you wish provided (a) you do not harm others; and (b) abide by our laws - see point 4. Don't even think about using "culture" (even if true) as a reason/excuse for harming others/failing to comply with our laws.
6. We will engage with you as individual citizens. We do not engage with any "community" through self-appointed "leaders". The only proper representation is through your MP.
7. All non-citizens living here must abide by our laws. No-one choosing to live in another country has a right to demand that that country accommodate its culture/laws to suit the visitor.
I think it about time that we stopped endlessly asking Muslims what they do or do not want or, indeed, paying any attention to such reports. All this endless focus is a result of the fact that a significant proportion of that community is prepared to indulge in violence or threats of violence to get its own way and the rest are either too scared or too ambivalent to do anything about it. We should simply say that all those who break the law will be prosecuted to the full and that the rest should concentrate on living their lives and making themselves useful members of society rather than endlessly demanding this, that and the other. The only reason we listen to what any so-called Muslim leaders have to say is because of the threat of violence so it is about time we told them that we will pay no attention to them until the threat of violence is removed and they start behaving like grown-up members of society and, further, that certain matters (such as what laws we live under) are non-negotiable, indeed, beyond discussion. 9That message might also be usefully conveyed to senior members of the Church / judiciary etc.) In the meanwhile we will take whatever measures we have to to protect all of us from the menace which exists. We accept that many Muslims do not approve of what is done or said in their name, which is why we must not give the impression that we consider all Muslims to be terrorist and must behave in our day-to-day dealings with courtesy and consideration to them as we should with all our neighbours. But, equally, they must understand that the behaviour of a minority reflect on what the rest of us feel about their community and religion and should think hard about what they can do to change the perception that the evil-doers amongst them have created. Shouting about "Islamophobia" is not an acceptable response.