Sunday, August 10, 2008


There's a lot of debate as to weather muslims can be classified as moderate and radical. But in the final analysis, a muslim is a muslim. All the intellectualizations in the world will not change the fact that at some point, a catalyst will cause a general muslim uprising against the West. The question then becomes: Who will all those "moderate", "secular" and "non practicing" muslims now enmeshed in every facet of government and civil society side with? You only get one guess. So the Western distinctions of this or that group of muslims is moot.

The trigger of a horrific islamic attack on the West that will mobilize Western resistance will also mobilize the muslim world.

The next great Crusade must be of global proportions. And unfortunately, once again, that Crusade will be reactionary and defensive.

The islamic world has less to lose in terms of infrastructure than the West. We rely on free trade, advanced technologies and access to oil based energy to function. Islamic countries mostly live at much lower standards of living and are much less tied into the Western way of life and so can hunker down and continue the islamic advance while the West struggles to just keep warm and fed. Islam also values the individual much less than the West and so is willing to sacrifice untold millions in the pursuit of a global caliphate.

I remain pessimistic as long as islam is allowed to continue it's unfettered infiltration into the West.