Thursday, December 18, 2008

Defining the Enemy: Islam

Another fine definition of just what islam is and is all about, that is, the subjugation of all of humanity to shariah law.


Defining the Enemy: Islam

Edited transcript of the Eidelberg Report, Israel National Radio, December 15, 2008.

Islam is at war with the West. The West cannot win this war unless it defines the enemy. Europe has all but surrendered to Islam, and America is in the process of doing so because their common enemy has not been defined. The same may be said of Israel, whose leaders are afraid to name the same enemy.
Using such terms as “Islamism,” Islamic fundamentalism,” “extremist Islam,” “radical Islam,” “militant Islam,” “political Islam,” “IslamoFascism” fails to expose the unique political and theological nature of the enemy, and this failure is a strategic error.

Henri Boulad, an Egyptian Jesuit and specialist in Islam, boldly states, “Islamism is Islam.” This statement, he says,is perfectly consistent with history and geography, with the Qur’an and the sunna, with the life of Muhammad and the evolution of Islam, with what Islam says about itself. I reject the position of people—Muslims or Christians—who bury their heads in the sand like ostriches … refuse to see the situation objectively, or take their wishes for realities, on behalf of dialogue and tolerance.

The Qur’an exalts the Muslim who “slays and is slain” for Allah (Sura 9:111). Islam, therefore, is a religion of death.

Defining Islam exposes you to the canard of racism. It can also lead to violent backlash. However, since Islam is waging war against the West, the West will lose this war if its political and intellectual leaders fail to educate public opinion about the true nature of the enemy.

One way to avoid the issue is to speak of “Muslim moderates.” That there are such Muslims is not strategically relevant in a time of war. Many Muslim moderates, as Daniel Pipes admits, are latent “extremists.” He estimates that 150 million Muslims support Jihad. Some estimate more than 300 million, equivalent to the population of the United States! Islam has a 1,400-year history. The West has taken a holiday from history—even from 9/11. However Islam is defined, Muslims have slaughtered about 270 million “infidels” since the time of Muhammad.