Sunday, December 14, 2008

How Can We Make the Dog Bark?

Bill Warner addresses the need to wake up our MSM and the man in the street to the ongoing islamic jihad being waged against America and the West.


Bill Warner

December 12, 2008

How Can We Make the Dog Bark?

In a Sherlock Holmes story, Silver Blaze, the clue to the crime was that "the dog did nothing." The dog in question was a farm dog that would have barked had a stranger approached.

In the same way we have guard dogs that are supposed to warn us of danger: our government, intellectuals and the media. But we are finding out that our dogs never bark if the intruder is Islamic violence. In the media reporting about Mumbai the words Islam and jihad were noticeably absent. Dhimmis always use nationality and culture to refer to Islam. The Islamic invasion of Spain was by Moors, not Muslims. The Islamic invasion of the Middle East was by Arabs, not Muslims. The invasion of Eastern Europe was by Turks, not jihadists. So it was only natural for the dhimmi media to report that Pakistanis were the murderers. Dhimmis have been avoiding the words Muslim, Islam and jihad for 1400 years. Only the most neutral words may be used to describe the jihad and the jihadists. "Gunmen", "militant," or some other soft word can be used, but never "jihadist".