Scenic Pakistani valley falls to Taliban militants
Until Pakistan makes a long term, serious commitment to eradicate the Taliban, the terrorist will continue to rearm and expand their territory. Afghanistan and India desperately need to join forces with Pakistan and eliminate terrorists of all flavors, weather they be Muslim, Hindu, or whatever. Individually, even with copious outside military and humanitarian help, there just isn't enough manpower to saturate the vast areas the Taliban and al Qaeda occupy.
Somehow, the governments of the three nations must find common ground to fight the Global Jihad, or individually they will fall to radical Islam.
Scenic Pakistani valley falls to Taliban militants
By NAHAL TOOSI, Associated Press Writer Nahal Toosi, Associated Press Writer
Mon Dec 29, 6:33 pm ET
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – Taliban militants are beheading and burning their way through Pakistan's picturesque Swat Valley, and residents say the insurgents now control most of the mountainous region far from the lawless tribal areas where jihadists thrive.
The deteriorating situation in the former tourist haven comes despite an army offensive that began in 2007 and an attempted peace deal. It is especially worrisome to Pakistani officials because the valley lies outside the areas where al-Qaida and Taliban militants have traditionally operated and where the military is staging a separate offensive.
"You can't imagine how bad it is," said Muzaffar ul-Mulk, a federal lawmaker whose home in Swat was attacked by bomb-toting assailants in mid-December, weeks after he left. "It's worse day by day."