Saturday, January 31, 2009

Father Zakaria Botros on CAIR's radar

"This stuff is in your own books!"

CAIR once again has it's panties in a painful wad. This time over a Priest who knows the Koran better than most Muslims and uses his knowledge to illustrate the incompatibility of Islam with Western society. Fr. Botros must be striking a nerve with the Muslim street because a 60 million dollar bounty has been placed on his head.

The good Fr. has upset countless millions of Muslims around the world by simply quoting passages from the Koran. Evidently, they can't handle the truth.


Father Zakaria Botros on CAIR's radar

It's not enough that al-Qaeda has called Fr Zakaria Botros "one of the most wanted infidels in the world," issuing a 60 million dollar bounty on his head,
or that popular Arabic magazines call him "Islam's public enemy #1"; now, as expected, CAIR is getting in on the action, calling for a "national alert" -- as in umma alert, eerily reminiscent of a fatwa -- against him. Apparently his last few shows dealing with Muhammad's questionable sexual habits, including necrophilia -- which I translated here, here, CAIR, specifically as his words are "embraced by a number of bloggers and Web sites that criticize Islam."

Why do radical Muslims, such as CAIR, hate -- and fear -- Zakaria Botros so? (I first described him and his ministry on NRO; be sure to click on links that go to important video clips of him, with English subtitles, where he makes several impressive demands of Islam). The problem Muslims have with Fr Botros is that they simply cannot refute him: everything he says -- no matter how scandalizing to Islam -- is always based on, often revered, Islamic sources. Moreover, Fr Botros rarely makes any claims about Islam: he only exposes; he only raises questions and then invites Islam's ulema to respond and "clarify" the matter. However, as this story indicates, their response is only to have him censored -- or, for the more radical, killed.

As he always says, however, "This stuff is in your own books! If you don't like it, go burn your books -- you know, the way Caliph Uthman burned all the other contending Korans [there were 7] when he prepared the authoritative version, the one you believe is based on a 'heavenly' Koran!"