Sunday, January 18, 2009

Obama reaches out to Muslims

Barry in Muslim garb

This is Obama's road map of capitulation to Islamic supremacists. How long will it be till the American people wake up and realize that Obama is selling them out to Communism and Islam? Hopefully, it won't be long, because the longer the Obama regime is in power, the harder it will be to reverse the damage that is sure to come.

Obama plans to be sworn in under the name of Barack Hussein Obama, but his full name should be Barack "Barry" Soweto Hussein Obama to recognize the time when he lived as a Muslim. It will be interesting to see how the once friendly Islamic street deals with Barry Soweto now that he claims to be a Christian. Will they now decide that he is an apostate from Islam and issue a death fatwa against him? And just how will the Muslim half of his family deal with him?

The next four years will weaken America like no other time in our history and will have a negative impact for decadse to come.


January 18, 2009
Obama reaches out to Muslims

BARACK OBAMA is planning to reach out to the Islamic world, seeking a rapprochement with Muslim opinion alienated by the Bush administration.
He believes a personal initiative will dramatise his wish to reassure Muslims, and intends to give a speech in an Islamic capital during his first 100 days in office as a sign of his engagement.

He has not said where. Egypt and Pakistan are obvious possibilities, but there has been speculation that he could choose Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, where he spent part of his childhood.
Obama will be sworn in as president with his full Muslim-sounding name of Barack Hussein Obama, in keeping with White House tradition.