Sunday, February 15, 2009

Losing Our Heads

Here is a powerful look at the growing number of "honor" killings taking place in America. Pamela Geller presents a disturbing picture of the extent of this heinous Islamic crime.


Losing Our Heads ................

Headless body in gutless press

Mark Steyn
Muzzammil “Mo” HASSAN, the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV and moderate Muslim who chopped his wife's head off yesterday, did so in a culture that sanctions depraved Islamic law. The USA. Islamic culture thrives as a culture within a culture here. Media silence and both their reluctance and law enforcement reluctance to prosecute Islamic crime is a stunning victory for creeping Islamic supremacism - special rules for a special class. This New York honor killing was not committed by some recent third world immigrant. This was a successful business man, assimilated into Western culture (as much as Islam allows). He committed no crime according to sharia law. In the heinous Texas honor killings of Amina and Sarah Said, Amina feared that her father would take her to Egypt to kill her (because, he repeatedly told her, "honor killings are legal there").

One can only imagine the homemade prison, the abject terror the beheading victim, Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37, had to live in (and die under). She sought to obtain an order of protection from her Muslim husband. To no avail. It was, sadly, her final act of bravery, for which she paid with her head.

HONOR KILLINGS SHOULD BE A CAPITAL CRIME. Period. Because this is war ...... and the war is about women, power, ownership, ..... dominance.