Monday, March 30, 2009

Fatwa Management System

A fatwa right from the horse's mouth. Good insight into the all pervasive influence Islam has on the lives of it's slaves (Muslims).

Universti Sains Islam Malayspa
Fatwa Management System


Thanks for answering my question about those Muslim girls who want to marry non-Muslims (Christians). My question now is when the daughter insists to marry a Christian man and since we are living in Canada and it is by law allowed, me as a father or mother what should I do? In this country marriage is a personal matter and I can't stop it by any way. In this case should I ask my daughter to leave my house and not to talk to her and consider her as (Kaffir) or (Murtada) or what? Is it Haraam in front of Allah to let her live among us. Please advise me what to do?


It is probable that the affliction that befalls a Muslim in his family is due to him failing to take the means and measures to protect and preserve the family members under his guardianship that Allaah entrusted him to preserve. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: ''… and the man is a guardian of his family and will be questioned about them." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim] One of these great causes of affliction is residing in non-Muslim countries where there is too much perversion and bad behavior on the plea of freedom. It is for this reason that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, warned us against residing in non-Muslim countries as he said: "I am exempt from any Muslim who resides among the polytheists [non-Muslims]." [Abu Daawood].

The scholars, may Allah have mercy on them, stated that if a person fears for his religion by residing in a non-Muslim country, it is an obligation on him to migrate to a Muslim country.