Monday, March 23, 2009

Make Sure Your Wife is Not Your Sister!

Here's a look into the some of the insane, convoluted rules imposed by Islam. This article addresses the rules of breast feeding and how that impacts day to day life under Sharia. The more you poke and prod the Qur'an, Suras and Hadiths, the more you realize that Islam will never be able to integrate with Western society.

This is almost amusing until you realize that one and one-half billion Muslims are subject to Sharia, and that hundreds of millions wish to impose this kind of insanity on Western society by any means possible.

Make Sure Your Wife is Not Your Sister!

Nadeen Ibrahim I Arab News —

MADINAH: Islamic law prohibits marriage with one’s wet nurse (for men), her husband (for women), her biological children and any nonbiological children she breast-fed. All such individuals are described as the person’s “mahram.”
Since there is no official system of documenting the names and identities of children who have been breast-fed by a woman, some young men and women sometimes end up accidentally marrying someone suckled by their own wet nurse. This can cause difficulties when couples find out later in life. If they have children, then things can be an even bigger problem.

“We were married for seven years before we discovered we were brothers and sisters. My mother-in-law had breast-fed me,” said Hayat, a schoolteacher from Madinah. “We were lucky as we had no children,” she said, adding that she and her ex-husband only learned that she had been nursed by his mother when an old family friend visited her home.
“She was astonished to find we were married. She reminded my mother that when she had had puerperal fever after giving birth to me, my former mother-in-law breast-fed me and that my marriage to her son was thus forbidden,” she said.

Hayat and her husband divorced and remarried, subsequently becoming parents with their new spouses. Hayat said she does not regret separating, as she did not really love her ex-husband in the way one loves their spouse.