Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Truth Exposed Islamic Terrorist Training & Fundraising in America

Mubarek Ali Gilani

This is a pretty good synopsis of the Islamic terrorist organization known as Jamaat ul Fuqra. ul Fulqra has about 35 compounds spread throughout the US and are conduits for terrorist funding. The male residents are mainly black Muslims recruited from prisons.

See Gates of Vienna sidebar for much more information about Jamaat ul Fuqra.

Where will you be when the Jihad hits the street?


The Truth Exposed Islamic Terrorist Training & Fundraising in America
Part I: The run-up to urban warfare & a warning of coming attacks

By Douglas J. Hagmann

24 March 2009: Since 2004, investigators of the Northeast Intelligence Network have been performing an extensive investigation and surveillance operation of the activities of Jamaat ul Fuqra, an Islamic terrorist group that is currently active and operational across the US and Canada. The findings of our investigation and surveillance operations are as extensive as they are disturbing.

This organization of Muslim terrorists are actively training for urban warfare, infiltrating our government institutions, securing positions of public trust, and raising substantial sums of money through a wide range of white collar criminal activity and Islamic charities which is being funneled to terrorist kingpin Sheikh Mubarek Ali Gilani in Pakistan. The money is used for terrorist operations and organizational advancement. From their US headquarters in rural Delaware county, New York at the base of the Catskills where recruitment is brisk, especially from within our prison system, they have also reinforced their operations into Mexico, Latin America, the Virgin Islands, and elsewhere. Their primary focus, however, remains the US and Canada, and their targets are both religious and secular in nature, with emphasis on the former. Such targets include Jews and Christians, churches and synagogues, and perhaps most insidiously, our schools and school children. The latter will be for psychological effect.

Members associated with this terrorist organization have killed and will kill and attack again, although their future attacks will be much more horrific. Mark my words.