Attorney General’s Guidelines for FBI Domestic Operations
Here's the latest effort by the left to destroy the FBI's ability to operate effectively against radicals of all flavors and Islamofascists in particular. These new guidelines remove much of the ability to respond to threats while giving the Attorney General unprecedented control over how the agency operates.
Some examples:
* The guidelines state that “it is axiomatic that the FBI must conduct its investigations and other activities in a lawful and reasonable manner that respects liberty and privacy and avoids unnecessary intrusions into the lives of law-abiding people.”
This makes it very difficult for the FBI to monitor terrorist activity in it's early stages.
* All activities must comply with the Constitution and all applicable statutes, executive orders, Department of Justice regulations and policies, and Attorney General guidelines.
Here, the AG gives himself authority to allow or disallow particular investigations rather than allow the FBI to pursue investigations based on the need to protect the country.
* The consolidated guidelines prohibit the FBI from investigating, collecting, or maintaining information on United States persons solely for the purpose of monitoring activities protected by the First Amendment or the lawful exercise of other rights secured by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
This one pretty much stops the FBI from investigating anyone, if the AG so desires.
* The guidelines direct FBI agents to operate openly and consensually with US persons to the extent practicable in collecting foreign intelligence that does not concern criminal activity or threats to the national security. The new guidelines incorporate effective oversight measures that provide the responsible components and officials at the Justice Department and FBI with relevant information on an in-depth and comprehensive basis
This directive reinforces the AG's interference with day to day operations, and again allow him to influence with the agency's normal operations.
Overall, guidelines by Obama's AG greatly restricts the FBI's effective operation and gives the AG unprecedented ability to control who is or is not investigated and politicizes our main law enforcement agency. This is a really bad development for the country as it will restrict investigations of Islamic terrorists while giving the AG the ability to use the FBI to harass political opponents. This is another of Obama's steps to create a leftist police state.
Attorney General’s Guidelines for FBI Domestic Operations
By Jim Kouri Sunday, April 5, 2009
The new consolidated guidelines to govern the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s domestic operations will address in a comprehensive way the FBI’s investigation of crimes and threats to the national security and its collection of foreign intelligence; the FBI’s provision of assistance and information to other agencies; and the FBI’s intelligence analysis and planning functions.