SUBMISSION: Obama Bows and Kisses the ....... of Saudi King

ted to Islam when he bowed and kissed the hand of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. The only thing we don't know is if the King gave him the traditional slap on the back of the head as a sign of submission. Every day, Obama drags America and the West to it's doom as dhimmis to a Global Caliphate.
With this abject demonstration of dhimmitude, Obama has just told the entire Muslim world that he has submitted to Islam.
I can't say this groveling to King Abdullah, the keeper of Mecca is surprising, it's what any good Muslim would do when meeting Abdullah.
When will Obama come out and make the pilgrimage (Haaj) to Mecca??
SUBMISSION: Obama Bows and Kisses the ....... of Saudi King
SUBMISSION. Is he dropping to his knees? What a sickening spectacle.
US President Barack Obama, center, back to camera, greets King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. (hat tip Kasper)
Looks like he's sucking his ....................... and the leftopaths went berserk when Bush held hands. Looks like Abdullah will get to at least third base.
All kidding aside, this image is startling. Disturbing. It is the very image of America submitting to Islam. Gross.
He gave the Queen of our closest ally (though that is history now too) an ipod, PM Brown some betamax vids -- I can't imagine what he is giving to Abdullah.
Atlas first published in November 2007: Obama, the Muslim Thing and why it Matters Israel National News
UPDATE: And just for knowing, Yahoo news images has a zillion pictures of President Hussein with every world leader, multitudes of shots of O with the Queen, Brown, et al, one after another, but there is only, ONE, shot of our jihad President with Abdullah. The terror sympathizing press know. They know.
You can see oWOWa bowing to the Islamic king at 1:38.
They cut away very quickly. Check it out.
He must be thanking him for his college education.
And just for knowing, he did not bow or curtsy to the Queen.