Friday, June 12, 2009

Smile Again: Depilex Smileagain Foundation

This video speaks for itself. Be prepared for some gruesome images of women disfigured by Muslim monsters.

Pay a visit to these sites for more information about the rampant disfigurement and burning of women in Pakistan.

DSF, Depilex Smileagain Foundation

To help female survivors of acid and kerosene oil burns in Pakistan by providing them appropriate medical attention and reconstructive surgery, psychological/psychiatric support, shelter and vocational training.
To create social awareness and sensitivity by working towards the complete eradication of this heinous crime.

Smile Again, USA

A small group of Americans with diverse backgrounds, but common mission put the foundation of SmileAgain USA with collaboration with Depilex Smile Again (Pakistan). The organization is dedicated to provide a comprehensive solution to the victims of acid and kerosene burns in Pakistan by providing them essential first-aid treatment, appropriate medical attention and reconstructive surgery, psychological/ psychiatric support, shelter and vocational training. To create social awareness and sensitivity, working towards the complete eradication of this heinous crime.

The organization is dedicated to raise funds for the construction of a burns units in Multan, Pakistan, organize medical visits to deliver surgical procedure to the victims and to assist the sister organization in Pakistan to setup an infrastructure to support these victim