Sunday, October 18, 2009

Turkey's turnabout

Erdogan: Snubbing Obama, breaking with Israel & cozying up to Syria.

Obama has been handed another slap in the face by another Muslim regime by Turkey's new alliance with Syria and hardening stance against Israel. 

I wonder if Obama will now revcerse his decision to supply Turkey with the latest Patiroit missile systems?   Nah, not a chance.  Anything that strenghtens Muslim regimes is his ultimate goal, despite being made a fool of by  Recep Erdogan. 


Turkey's turnabout

Bam's futile Muslim outreach
Last Updated: 12:29 PM, October 17, 2009
Posted: 12:11 AM, October 17, 2009

Turkey this week broke sig nificantly with Israel and the West -- a strong sign that President Obama's outreach to the Muslim world is achieving nothing.
On Monday, NATO scrapped "Anatolian Eagle," a regularly scheduled military exercise with various allies along the Turkish border -- drills meant to assure coordination in case of war in the region. At the last minute, Turkey had announced its refusal to let the Israeli Defense Force participate. Standing by its ally, America dropped out as well -- killing the whole thing.
A day later, Turkish and Syrian officials disclosed that their armies had just concluded their own joint military exercise. The same day, the two countries went even further, signing a strategic cooperation pact.

"We congratulate ourselves by this historical achievement," Syria's UN ambassador, Bashar Jaafari, told me Wednesday.

Historical indeed. A mere decade ago, Syrian and Turkish armies were amassed on the border, ready to battle each other. The strategic and military ties between Ankara and Jerusalem were tight, and the Turkish government saw its NATO membership as the country's most prized strategic asset.
There are many reasons for Turkey's shift.