Saturday, August 25, 2012

Walsh won’t apologize

Bravo Representative Joe Walsh for calling it like it is and sticking to your guns.  He joins Reps. Bachman and King in the fight to inform the American public of the ongoing Muslim invasion. 


Walsh won’t apologize for saying ‘radical Islamists’ in U.S. want to kill Americans
BY BILL BIRD August 24, 2012 11:04PM

Updated: August 25, 2012 11:24AM

U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh remains steadfast in his conviction that “radical Islam” threatens the American way of life — a view the controversial congressman again expressed to an unhappy group of Muslim constituents Friday night.

Moon Khan, a Republican Party precinct committeeman in DuPage County and member of the York Township board of trustees, was one of about 80 people who attended an “intense” meeting with Walsh Friday night in the back yard of Khan’s home in Lombard.

“It was a very, very intense meeting, and he did not change his mind,” Khan later said of Walsh.

The meeting was called after Walsh alleged there is “a radical stream of Islam” in the U.S. that threatens the lives of Americans — including residents of Addison, Elgin and Elk Grove — at a townhall meeting in Elk Grove.

Article continues HERE.