Monday, September 3, 2012

Science and Islam: A Reply to "1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets"

Here's another outstanding video from Answering Muslims. David debunks the patently false claims by Muslims that Islam is responsible for hundreds of scientifc discoveries. 


Science and Islam: A Reply to "1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets" 

 ***2ND UPDATE*** I added the video to LiveLeak. I'll keep this one up until YouTube restores the original video. Science and Islam: A Reply to "1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets" 

***UPDATE*** Our Muslim friends at 1001 Inventions filed a FALSE copyright infringement notification with YouTube, claiming that I simply reuploaded their video to YouTube. Copyright law protects my right to post short clips of copyrighted material for purposes of education and criticism, so 1001 Inventions was forced to file a FALSE complaint. Sadly, I had to give an Islamic supremacist group my home address as part of the counter-claim. I'm sure YouTube will restore my video as soon as they look at it, but that can take up to ten days.