Saturday, January 26, 2013

Obama You Jerk

Meanwhile, back in good 'ol Egypt, it looks like there are some people who do not wish to live under the Muslim Brotherhood's version of Sharia. The guy holding this sign is however not going to live long in a country where Morsi has jailed hundreds for "insulting" him.  This brave but doomed man will be crushed just like all others who oppose the imposition of radical Islam.


Friday, January 25, 2013

Sign in Tahrir Square: 'Obama you jerk, Muslim Brotherhoods are killing the Egyptians'...

Read the rest of the sign. Will the media cover this? Never. Are they culpable? You bet they are. They are shamelessly carrying water for jihadists and a President who is advancing the most brutal, bloody and extreme ideology on the face of the earth.

Like I have been saying since the first day of the jihadi coup:

Sign in Tahrir Square:  'Obama you jerk, Muslim Brotherhoods are killing the Egyptians'... (thanks to George)