Anarchy on the streets of Egypt
And the Arab Spring continues apace with riots, violence, vigilantism and general breakdown of society. Most of north Africa is in turmoil as various Islamic factions fight for control. Democracy, at least as understood in the West has no chance in Islam dominated north Africa.
Anarchy on the streets of Egypt as lynch mob strip, beat and hang two men accused of stealing rickshaw in front of baying crowd
Men stripped half-naked and hung by their feet in a crowded bus station
A crowd of 3,000 people watched - with some shouting 'kill them'
One of the most extreme cases of vigilantism following Egypt's 2011 uprising
By Anthony Bond
PUBLISHED: 02:12 EST, 18 March 2013 | UPDATED: 07:11 EST, 18 March 2013
They are horrific pictures which highlight the worrying deterioration in Egypt's security.
Two men - accused of stealing a motorised rickshaw - were badly beaten by vigilantes, stripped half-naked and hung by their feet in a crowded bus station in the Nile Delta.
A baying crowd of 3,000 people watched, with some shouting 'kill them'. Both men died.
The lynchings came a week after the attorney general's office encouraged civilians to arrest lawbreakers and hand them over to police.
It was one of the most extreme cases of vigilantism in two years of sharp deterioration in security following Egypt's 2011 uprising. The worsening security coupled with a police strike prompted the attorney general's call for citizen arrests last week.
The scene was emblematic of the chaos that is sweeping the country, mired in protests over a range of social, economic and political problems and with security breaking down to frightening proportions.
The state-run newspaper Ahram reported on its website that the two men were dragged in the street after being caught 'red-handed' trying to steal a rickshaw. It said they were beaten but alive before they were hung.
Witnesses claimed the men had kidnapped a girl inside the rickshaw, but that she escaped unharmed.
A photographer who witnessed the scene told The Associated Press that some in the crowd of around 3,000 threatened to kill him if he took pictures of the lynching.
He said that women and children in the crowd watched the men being hung by their feet, and that some even chanted in support of the lynching.
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