Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Poetic Justice

What goes around, comes around.


Poetic Justice

By Marilyn Penn

     So the Tsarnaeva bombers’ mother had shoplifted $1600 worth of clothing from Lord & Taylor a year before her “alienated” sons decided to integrate into American society by maiming and killing as many innocent people as their nail-studded bombs could reach.  Fleeing to Russia rather than face a penalty for her crime, the head-scarved matriarch now denies that her boys did anything wrong and wails about coming to America to begin with.  Zubeidat wonders what she was seeking here - protection for her boys and obviously some capitalist clothing - a la Ninotchka with her silk stockings.  Not for her the sturdy burlaps of Dagestan or the coarse wools of Chechnya - the lady yearned for the frivolous fare of America’s designer shops and off she went to steal some -  Allah be praised.

And though the FBI and the CIA had both concluded that son Tamerlan was a sheep in wolf’s clothing and not anyone to watch or fear - as luck would have it, Lord & Taylor had the last word in apprehending the Tsarneava murderers.  It was their surveillance video that allowed the FBI to rectify their previous miscalculations and focus on the two baseball-capped terrorists who casually dropped their explosive backpacks along the finish line of the Boston marathon forever changing the lives of ordinary people who would never walk again on their own two legs, or hug their children or remain alive to be part of a close-knit family and community.

     In the photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Tsarnaeva in the Times of April 26th, Zubeidat is pictured in an arrogant pose, chin lifted, lips pursed, right arm raised defiantly - head wrapped in what looks like a long American silk scarf that might very well bear the label of Lord & Taylor,  America be praised,  America be praised.