Monday, May 27, 2013

Surrendering freedom to the violent: ANU censors student paper for mocking Islam

Cowardice.  Gross cowardice.  Not only cowardice, but in this case the cowards are doing the work of those who have cowed them, namely Muslims.  The hypocrisy and abuse of their power marks the administration of this college as willing agents of Islamic supremacy.

Surrendering freedom to the violent: ANU censors student paper for mocking Islam

Threats of violence from religious bigots is all it takes for an Australian university to censor its students:

    THE Australian National University has cited international violence in the wake of the Danish cartoon and Innocence of Muslims controversies in justifying its decision to force student newspaper Woroni to pulp a satirical infographic which described a passage from the Koran as a “rape fantasy”.

    The university also threatened student authors and editors of the infographic with disciplinary action, including academic exclusion and the withdrawal of the publication’s funding.

    The piece was the fifth in a satirical series entitled “Advice from Religion” which had previously discussed Catholicism, Scientology, Mormonism and Judaism.

    No complaints were received about any of the earlier instalments.

    In the April 16 edition of Woroni, authors Jamie Freestone, Mathew McGann and Todd Cooper posed the question, “How should I value women?”

Article continues HERE.