Saturday, July 20, 2013

Michigan: the Islamic capital of the US

A look at the ongoing Islamic incursion into America.  And our elected officials promote it.


Michigan: the Islamic capital of the US

By Sher Zieve

As of 2005, Michigan held the largest and still growing Muslim population in the United States and the second largest Arab population outside of the Middle East. Outside of Muslim-run countries, Paris — which still experiences nightly vehicle torchings and mayhem in its Islamic neighborhoods — has the largest. It is estimated that eight million Muslims now live in the US and their numbers are continuing to grow. Islam is now the second-largest religious body in the United States and is said to be its fastest growing religious movement.

Although hundreds of long-time residents of Hamtramck, MI protested the city allowing the five-times-per-day Muslim call to prayer to be broadcast over Hamtramck’s loudspeakers, the city council voted unanimously in April 2004 to allow it. Prior to the city council making its decision, public input from any citizens (except Muslims) had not been allowed. This continues today. Hamtramck resident Bob Golen was outraged by the city council’s actions and said: “So they had made up their mind before any public meeting and it’s been five-nothing ever since. This is only the beginning. They’re going to use Hamtramck as a precedent. This is coming to your town, to the town down the road, and to the [next] town down the road.” Golen added that, after the city council voted to allow the calls to prayer, one of the city councilmen said that he was “proud to set a precedent in this country.”

Article continues HERE.