Saturday, September 21, 2013

France: 1 month in prison (suspended) and a 1680 euros fine for anti-Muslim comment on newspaper website

Even France which has led the way barring the wearing of full face coverings by Muslim women has capitulated to political correctness, multiculturalism, and raw fear of Muslim violence. 


Friday, 20 September 2013

France: 1 month in prison (suspended) and a 1680 euros fine for anti-Muslim comment on newspaper website

A French man has just had a suspended prison sentence of 1 month and a fine of 1680 euros imposed on him for posting the following comment on the website of the right-wing newspaper Le Figaro.

    …As for the Muslims who are being more and more provocative to the indigenous French with their crap halal meals ... I advise them to immediately stop these provocations or to leave France as quickly as possible and return to their Muslim countries if they don't know how to live in harmony with other religions, otherwise they'll end up having the choice of "la valise ou le cercueil" [the suitcase or the coffin] as was the case for the "pieds noirs" [tn: French colonists in Algeria] in the 1960s.

Source:  (French)