Monday, June 30, 2014

Good Muslim, Bad Muslim

Good Muslim, Bad Muslim

The "moderate" Muslims and the "radical" Muslims are nothing more than the old Good Cop, bad Cop ploy.  While the radicals commit murder and mayhem on an industrial scale around the world, the moderates make excuses for them and practice takyya and public relations with the non-Muslim world.  The moderates tell us that it's the West's persecution of the poor downtrodden Muslim street that causes the radicals to attack us.  If only we'd understand them and pay the jizya, all would be well.  For whatever obscure reasons our feckless and clueless leaders lap this up like honey and beg to know what we can do to placate the radicals. 

At the same time, the moderates infiltrate the highest levels of government as advisors while building and staffing thousands of radical mosques around the world.