Monday, June 23, 2014

Multi-culturalism strikes again

While this article centers on the jihad occuring in Britain, it is also true that Multi-culturalism is responsible for the explosive increase of Muslims throught the Western world.  Until the Western nation awaken and unite to repel the Islamc invasion we will be in peril of losing our freedoms to Sharia.


Multi-culturalism is responsible for terror in our midst

BRITAIN is now paying a terrible price for the self-destructive policies of multi-culturalism and mass immigration.

By: Leo McKinstry

Published: Mon, June 23, 2014

Due to these twin ideologies we are now confronted by the deadly menace of militant Islam within the heart of our society. In the name of diversity and tolerance, the state has allowed barbaric intolerance to flourish in our midst.

The lethal danger from jihadism has been graphically highlighted by the growing number of Muslims from Britain now fighting in Syria and Iraq. The police have estimated that more than 500 young radicals from our shores have travelled to the Middle East to join extremist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a notoriously savage organisation that wants to create a despotic medieval caliphate.

In addition, around 300 jihadists are thought to have returned to Britain after involvement in terrorist campaigns in Syria and Iraq, posing a lethal threat to the fabric of our civilisation. According to Richard Barrett, the former head of counter-terrorism at MI6, the sheer number of these returning zealots means that it would be "a completely impossible task" for our security forces to keep track of all of them.

Article continues