Monday, December 29, 2014

Allah in our schools

File this under Enemy Within. 


December 28, 2014

Allah in our schools

By Carol Brown

Jihad, in its many guises and forms, is being waged across America. No aspect of our society has been untouched by this relentless attack. Including our schools.

Our education system has been infiltrated by the enemy, as the next generation of Americans is brainwashed with white-washed Islam.

The assault is coming from all directions and it never sleeps.

Muslim Brotherhood front groups have been, and continue to be, integrally involved in the development of Common Core curriculum. They make sure a false picture of Islam is integrated into lessons, from K – 12. Our children are exposed to all manner of “educational” activities that amount to Islamic propaganda, which is now endemic in the school system.

In addition to Muslim Brotherhood front groups, Saudi Arabia exerts outside influence on school curricula. The Saudis spread a lot of money around, giving it to organizations that promote Islam throughout our institutions. Schools receive a hefty sum of brand name sickness called Wahhabism. As Stanley Kurtz wrote in NRO several years ago: “…the Saudis have figured out how to make an end-run around America’s K-12 curriculum safeguards, thereby gaining control over much of what children in the United States learn about the Middle East.” (To learn more about how the Saudi’s achieved this, see here and here.)

Then there are garden variety Muslims bent on advancing Sharia law in our schools who also wield enormous power. Take, for instance, Fethullah Gulen. Gulen is a Muslim committed to the advancement of the Islamic state. He has called for the destruction of the United States and all infidels. And he has set up a network of publically-funded charter schools.

Article continues HERE.