Monday, December 29, 2014

Swedish Police Cower From Muslim Mobs

So once again the Swedish police retreat and cower in the face of Muslim violence.  Right now, one third of the worlds population (the Muslim third) is laughing at their cowerdice and sharpening their swords. 


Malmo, Sweden: after 36 bombs in 2014 and several attacks on police stations, streets are cordoned off to protect police station against bombings

December 28, 2014 , by Nicolai Sennels

Swedes are a minority in Islamized Malmö and the city has had 36 bombs this year alone. Recently, a police station was attacked in a Muslim dominated area. Youths set fire to patrol cars and blocked the exits of the building so that police officers could not escape. In another attack, a police patrol was ambushed with lethal molotov cocktails and had to flee, and another local police station was damaged in an attack. A recent bombing of the Malmo court could be heard “2-3 kilometers” away.

Translated from Fria Tider

    Police in Malmö are worried about bomb attacks against the old police station in the city, one of Malmö’s two police headquarters, after the last days’ car bombs.

    Therefore, the authority has blocked off a side street to the police station…

    ‘- After the recent explosions against law enforcement, we have taken the decision have Verkstadsgatan (street) cordoned off between Regementsgatan (street) and Storgatan (street) in Malmo’.