Pamela has once again done an outstanding job of spotlighting the evil that is Islam. I've posted some of the pictures she put up, but go to her site to see them all and get more details. ISLAM IS EVIL. Anyone or anything that systematically can kill women and children is EVIL. Islam must be stopped from it’s spread in the civilized world. There is no room here for Islam. These women and girls have been murdered, beaten and mutilated in the name of ISLAM.
How Pan does this day in and day out I don’t know, but thank goodness she’s doing it.
What has happened to our humanity? "Honor" killings. Shame on us.
What is it going to take to get America's attention?
1/3 of the women murdered in Jordan are a result of Islamic "honor" killing. And yet a could not find one picture of a murdered girl in Jordan.
"It was a brutal scene. One victim's head was nearly cut clean off," an official is quoted as saying. (here) This is just the tip of the iceberg. Couldn't do it anymore today. Will continue until the world pays attention. When the UN stops protecting Islam with ridiculous resolutions, stops adopting resolutions against humanity's most benevolent society, Israel, and starts fighting "honor" killings and suicide terror -- then I'll stop running this stuff.
Where is Oprah? Where is US rule of law? These savages should receive the death penalty for this. That should be the law. Don't import your mental and moral illness into our country.
And the thing is, this is the end - the final act, the culmination of the subjugation, oppression, violent abuse of women in Islam. The terror that precedes the murder is almost unimaginable. Living in fear, every day, living in fear of physical and mental abuse and still, standing up and living their own lives only to be murdered for it.