Monday, January 7, 2008

Stand your ground Bishop

07 January 2008
Stand your ground Bishop
Moslem groups have now demanded the resignation of the Bishop of Rochester Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali because of his comments yesterday.
Who do these people within the Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain think they are demanding for a Christian Bishops resignation for speaking the truth about what certain parts of our country are like because of the new Islamic Kingdom we now have living there - He told the truth and now they want the government to act and remove him!!

A little like me dont you think - We will not buckle and we will not bow to these demands from our Islamic enemy as it seeks to silence the truth from being told about its inherent warmongering murderous hatred towards us.

They want a fight with the British people then it is about time they had their wish - Stand your ground Bishop and do not apologise like the Pope, Almighty God says 'do not fear'.

The time of silence and opression because of this hiddeous minority group in our midst is over, how dare they shout down the truth and call for our Loony Liberal Left Wing Labour Leaders to excersie their authority on their behalf - The cultural Sword in the hand of the Jihad

Did you hear any voices calling for the resignation of the Imams caught on video inciting hatred, murder, treason, paedophilia and Holy War in the Under Cover Mosque expose by Dispatches on Channel 4?

No, the Islamic Kingdom and their servant within West Midlands police turned the tables on the documentary makers and tried prosecuting them for breaching 'community cohesion', thankfully the media watchdog looked into it and called West Midlands police's accusations perverse - We want the one in charge of that investigation sacked because he is unfit for his duties!!!

Watch the video for yourself and then you tell me if charges should have been brought against those captured on video - The Labour government cowered in fear, like the cowards they are after this expose and let these Islamic enemies to the Crown go free to continue their path of hatred, murder and war within our society.

Look at what we are having to put up with in today's Britain, we are now second class citizens in our own land surrounded by Loony Labours protected species, the block vote that secures them power, the Islamic Kingdom and its Moslem inhabitants.

That table is soon to be turned!

How dare they attack Our Bishop and I hope and pray that Our Queen,
the most powerful person in England stands right behind her man, Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali !!!

We have all had enough of the Islamic Kingdom and its actions towards us and its control over us because of this pathetic Labour government.

They want war then is it not our right to protect and defend ourselves from an invading enemy?

America has no clue as to how bad it is now within Great Britain, keep watching my blog because I have stuff to write to tell you and warn you.

Great Britain is the biggest threat now to America because we have upwards of 40,000 (with that number growing) British born Pakistani Moslems travelling back to their ancestral home every year, many from amongst them end up in Al Qaeda training camps and extremist Madrases, they then come back to Britain ready for Jihad, these same Islamic terrorists carry British passports so can jump straight into America pretty much unchecked - The Islamic enemy in your midst, courtesy of Labour's Great Britain

Britain, the final outpost of Eurabia, the stepping stone into America, the greatest battlefield of the 21st Century!

The time has come before it is too late.

"The Pen is Mightier than the Sword"

Lionheart of England

Daily Telegraph:
Religious groups have demanded the resignation of the Bishop of Rochester after he claimed that Islamic radicals had turned parts of Britain into "no-go" areas for non-Muslims.

The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali wrote in The Sunday Telegraph that fundamentalism had made some communities hostile to Christians and those from other faiths.

But Mohammed Shafiq, from the Ramadhan Foundation, said: "Mr Nazir-Ali is promoting hatred towards Muslims and should resign."

Ajmal Masroor, of the Islamic Society of Great Britain, said: "It's a distortion of reality. Our communities are far more integrated than they were 10 years ago.

"If the Church of England had an iota of fairness they would take serious action"

Continue reading: Sack the Bishop