Searching for a monster
The anatomy of an "honor" killing. The murders of Amina and Sarah Said are but the latest in a sordid history of Islamic murders of family members, by family members in America.
"I remember her telling me that her dad told her he would take her back to Egypt and have her killed. He said it's OK to do that over there if you dishonor your family."
Searching for a monster
"Patricia had told her that since they are Muslim that the daughter was only allowed to date other Muslims. Yaser had found out she went on a date with a non-Muslim and became very angry and threatened her with bodily harm."
That's an honor killing, folks. It has everything to do with Islamic cultural attitudes. Discussion here. This is what American Muslim advocacy groups ought to be talking about, if they had an ounce of integrity, and any interest at all in promoting sane and humanistic values among Muslims and all people. Their constant finger-pointing, blame-shifting, and evasion of responsibility has a human cost: how many more honor killings are we going to see among Muslims in America before they own up to the reality of the practice and begin to teach against it? How many more is it going to take before government and law enforcement officials begin to pressure them to do so?
The correct answer should be -- why, no more. No more at all. Amina and Sarah Said should be alive today, and the idea that a man can walk around in Texas believing that it's perfectly right for him to murder his daughters because they are dating non-Muslims -- since, after all, it is perfectly fine to do that sort of thing back home in Egypt -- is abominable. It is monstrous.
Where is Hooper? Where is Al-Marayati? Where is Hussein Ibish? Where are the feminists?