We interrupt the campaign season for a border reality check
Here’s another major breech of American sovereignty. Illegals entering the US from Mexico represent a growing threat. Until our government stems the flow and deports the majority of border jumpers, our economy and security will continue to erode.
We interrupt the campaign season for a border reality check
By Michelle Malkin January 10, 2008 01:30 AM
Thanks to a FOIA request from Judicial Watch, you can now get a clearer picture of the continued chaos at our southern border. GOP Rep. Tom Tancredo and other immigration enforcement activists have been sounding the alarm about Mexican government/military incursions at the border. These violations of American sovereignty have been going on for years. DHS Secretary Michael “Lettucehead” Chertoff’s response? Nada. The information released to Judicial Watch adds new info. Bottom line: For fiscal year 2006 alone, there were 29 confirmed incidents along the U.S.- Mexican border involving Mexican military and/or law enforcement personnel, 17 of which involved armed Mexican government agents. Moreover, between 1996 and September 30, 2006, there were 253 confirmed incursions into the United States by Mexican government personnel.