Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ways to Defeat Islamic Jihadism

Words to the wise from one who knows.
Ways to Defeat Islamic Jihadism
by Amil Imani
10 Jan, 2008
This is an urgent call to all free people to rise and defeat the Islamic Jihadists who are marching under the banner of the Qur’an to subdue all non-Muslims. It is imperative that the values and the way of life of civilized people be protected against the assault of Jihadists’ savagery born from a primitive culture of long ago Arabia. There is nothing to negotiate here. Nothing to compromise, for the Jihadists are on a non-negotiable campaign of Allah. The goal of this mission from Allah is the eradication of just about everything that falls under the rubric of human rights. It takes every free human to do his or her share in defeating Jihadism. Below is a partial list of what can be done.