Need a Liver? Kill a Serb.

Need a Liver? Kill a Serb.
By Julia Gorin (bio)
Well well well. For perhaps the first time in history, the mainstream media have deemed the dismemberment of Serbs newsworthy. More accurately, they have deemed newsworthy the dismemberment of the Serb and non-Serb victims of our friends, and almost all living Albanians’ great heroes, the KLA. (Recall the crowds cheering “KLA! KLA! KLA!” last month from Tirana to Pristina to Times Square. Below is just a taste of one of the many KLA activities they were cheering.) The new information is revealed in the forthcoming book The Hunt by Carla Del Ponte, former chief prosecutor for the Hague Tribunal. A few reports, starting with — gasp — the AP (which both the International Herald Tribune and Fox News deigned to carry): Albanian trafficking in organs of killed Kosovo Serbs investigated Serbia’s war crimes prosecutor is looking into reports that dozens of Serbs captured by rebels during the war in Kosovo were killed so their organs could be trafficked, the prosecutor’s office said Friday.
The Serbian prosecutor’s office said it received “informal statements” from investigators at the U.N. tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, that dozens of Serbs imprisoned by Kosovo Albanian rebels were taken to neighboring Albania in 1999 and killed so their organs could be harvested and sold to international traffickers.
Bruno Vekaric, the Serbian prosecutor’s spokesman, said later on B92 radio that Serbian war crimes investigators have also received their own information about alleged organ trafficking, but not enough for a court case. Vekaric said Serb investigators also received reports suggesting there might be mass graves in Albania containing the bodies of the Serb victims.
Serbian media reported that the issue was brought into the open in a book written by former U.N. war crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte that is to be published in Italy on April 3.
According to Serbia’s Beta news agency, which carried parts of the book in Serbian, Del Ponte said her investigators had been informed that some 300 Serbs were killed for organ trafficking.
The Beta report quoted Del Ponte as saying in the book that her investigators were told the imprisoned Serbs were first taken to prison camps in northern Albania where the younger ones were picked out, and their organs were later sold abroad.
Beta reported that Del Ponte says in her book that tribunal investigators looking into alleged war crimes by the rebel Kosovo Liberation Army were not able to complete a case on the organ trafficking claims and bring it to trial…
The Beta report:
The Hague Prosecution learned while investigating war crimes committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army against Serbs and other ethnic communities that people that disappeared in 1999 in Kosovo were subjected to surgery in which their kidneys and other organs were taken from them and then the smugglers were selling them to foreign clinics, Carla Del Ponte, former chief prosecutor of the Hague Tribunal wrote in her book ‘Hunt’.
‘The victims were most likely abducted after [the] NATO bombing when international peace-keeping forces were already deployed in Kosovo’. Even high KLA members were involved in the operation of smuggling of organs, Del Ponte writes but [does] not specify their names.
She further writes that a group of ‘reliable’ journalists told the investigators and UNMIK officials that in [the]summer of 1999 Kosovo Albanians transported by trucks about 300 abducted non-Albanians in camps in Kukes and Tropoja in the north of Albania. Younger and healthy prisoners were medically examined and detained in Burel and in the neighborhood.
In one room that was used as an operating theatre, the surgeons were taking organs from the victims. Via Rinas airport near Tirana the organs were transported to clinics abroad for clients that paid for them. One source claimed to have personally participated in one of such deliveries at the airport.
The victims left with one kidney were kept locked and later on killed for other organs.
‘Other prisoners in the barrack knew what was to happen to them’, Del Ponte wrote. Among female prisoners there were women from Kosovo, Albania, Russia and former Yugoslav republics. Two sources claimed to have been helping in the burial of victims at a nearby cemetery…