Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Value of Human Life in Islam

A look into how Islam sees the rest of humanity.

Basically, if you ain't a Muslim, you ain't sh*t.

Even if you are a Muslim but you are a woman, you ain't sh*t.


The Value of Human Life in Islam
by Abu Taleb
22 Apr, 2008
Here, I just want to repeat what Ali Sina wrote several years ago in the article "Is Political Islam?" where he showed, among other things, the value of human life based on Islamic law. Here is the quotation:
In the April 9, 2002 issue, The Wall Street Journal published the concept of blood money in Saudi Arabia . If a person has been killed or caused to die by another, the latter has to pay blood money or compensation, as follow.
100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man
50,000 riyals if a Muslim woman
50,000 riyals if a Christian man
25,000 riyals if a Christian woman
6,666 riyals if a Hindu man
3,333 riyals if a Hindu woman
According to this hierarchy, a Muslim man's life is worth 33 times that of a Hindu woman. This hierarchy is based on the Islamic definition of human rights and is rooted in the Quran and Sharia (Islamic law). How can we talk of democracy when the concept of equality in Islam is inexistent?
The proportion on the list above is exactly the same as what is said in the Sharia law found in "The Risala of 'Abdullah ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (310/922 - 386/996), A Treatise on Maliki Fiqh". The relevant quotation can be found below. To make easier, I make the list of the blood money as follows:
12,000 dirham for a muslim man
6,000 dirhams for a muslim woman
6,000 dirhams for a Christian/Jews man
3,000 dirham for a Christian/Jews woman
800 dirham for a Magian man
400 dirham for a Magian woman
Obviously, the Hindu people and other non Christian/Jews people are worth the same as the Magian people. And a muslim man's life is worth 30 times that of a non Christian/Jews infidel woman. Imagine people like Indira Ghandi or Sirimavo Bandaranaike etc is worth only 1/30 of, for example, a stupid bearded child abuser muslim guy who drinks camel urine as medicine.
So the current Islamic law in Saudi Arabia is exactly the same as the Islamic law a thousand years ago, because that they come from the true Islam.
37.4. The tariff for other than Muslim men
37.4a. Half the tariff
The blood money of a woman is half that of a man. The same applies to the blood money of Kitabis, and their women is half of that of their men.
[The blood money of a free Muslim woman is half that of a free Muslim man. So her blood money is fifty camels, in fourths or fifths according to whether the killing is accidental or deliberate. The more severe form [if the victim is a daughter" is 2/3rds of 16 and a third of camels from every type. In money, it is 500 gold dinars and 6000 silver dirhams.
The same is true for the Jews and Christians. It is half that of the Muslims based on what an-Nasa'i reports that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The blood wit of the people of the dhimma is half that of the Muslims. There is half of that blood money for Kitabi women.]
37.4b. Magians
A Magian's blood money is 800 dirhams and that of their women half of that. The same principle applies to penalties for wounds.
[A Magian, who is not a Kitabi, has this amount in silver and in gold it is 66 dinars and in camels, 6 and two-thirds in camels. Their women have half of that. The same portion applies to wounds.]
(The Risala of 'Abdullah ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (310/922 - 386/996), A Treatise on Maliki Fiqh (Including commentary from ath-Thamr ad-Dani by al-Azhari)