The Big Picture
A rather long but detailed look at the various facets of the islamic jihad now being waged against the West.
The Big Picture
Written by Nemesis
Sunday, 03 August 2008
We are at war with Militant Islam and those who support and appease its agenda. And I guess anyone who has knowledge of recent history, would agree with me, that we have been at war with this ideology since the late 1960’s when the Islamists began their terrorist campaign against the west, by hijacking airliners. The Islamists, emboldened by the compliance to their demands of western governments, particularly those in Europe, have, since their first forays into terror, now become an adept world wide movement which threatens ALL nations with extinction. But this is not a conventional war in the sense that we have a recognizable enemy that we may close with in combat. Our enemy refuses to fight openly knowing they cannot match the might of the Coalition forces so chooses instead to fight using guerilla tactics. Part of those tactics is to commit acts of unbelievable cruelty and barbarity against those who cannot defend themselves with the intention of fracturing our societies. Our enemy is ruthless, cunning and prepared to die for his cause. In this regard we should never underestimate his strength of purpose and resolve. We are constantly indoctrinated by our leaders with the ridiculous statement that we are waging a ‘war on terror.’ As most thinking people would realize, terror is a state of mind not a body that may be shot at and killed! Has the terror statement been manufactured by our leaders due to their naivety or is it a smokescreen for a wider strategic plan?
Hands up those reading this essay who can honestly say, that they have spent some time pondering the real reason as to why Iraq was invaded. Oh sure, you will get the arm chair strategists who will tell you the reason for invasion was that the Americans wanted the oil, even the leader of the Federal Opposition, Brendan Nelson, when Defence Minister, uttered this. It may surprise you to know that Iraq under Saddam, was a hotbed of terrorism funding and training. Saddam had links with Al Qaeda and Hamas through which money, ordinance and ideas were exchanged. Saddam also donated money to the families of suicide bombers and during his time in power had over 300,000 of his own people murdered, that the Coalition forces are aware of so far. But did knowing this give enough justification for the Coalition to invade? Or were there more pressing reasons for the coalition to take up the gauntlet against Saddam, and invade Iraq?
Let us not forget the impact of 9/11. I don’t believe I am overstating this, but the attack on the Twin Towers in New York finally woke the sleeping giant, that is America, to the threat that not only the United States was facing but also the rest of the free world. And knowing that the Militant Islamics were once again on the warpath, and hearing the self confessed goals of everybody’s favorite pin up boy, Bin Laden, in taking over the whole planet, it was also realized, that there were millions of Muslims, who could be considered as potential enemies, living within all western countries. This is why I believe, the phrase, ‘War on Terror’ was born.