However it comes to pass, through political action or violent assault, if islam imposes sharia on Europe, then not only will the indigenous (non-muslim) people become full fledged dhimmis, the free market, industry, banking and democratic processes will collapse. Once European society collapses, there will be no one to fund the welfare benefits so many European-muslims now enjoy.
Since there are few if any islamic business or industrial success stories (and oil doesn't count as a business success) to draw on, just how will these newly islamified societies make a living? When conditions in this new islamic paradise become bad enough, when there is no more industrial base to support the muslim sense of superiority, the muslim society will return to it's glory days of capturing and enslaving kuffirs. It's just not in the islamic scheme of things for a muslim to have to do labor if a Kafir can be forced to do it for him.
If Europe succumbs to islam, the economic ramifications will pull down the rest of the non-muslim world. Then economic collapse will allow muslims to continue to roll up the non-muslim world. Once vibrant and thriving societies will be reduced to the backward, primitive, tribal, fanatical level of the islamic world.
Islam was able to be repelled by the Crusades because Europe had a secure base from which to fight the invasion. But once overrun, there will be no base from which to resist. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to crush the current jihad NOW, before islam makes any more inroads into Western society.