Monday, December 22, 2008

FBI Probes Terrorism Links in U.S. Somali Enclaves

Yoo Hoo, FBI, there are hundreds if not thousands of muslim immigrants in the US whose sole goal in life is to wage jihad and impose islam and shariah law on America.
Now everyone is suddenly surprised that some Somali refugees are turning up "missing", only to be killed in Somalia waging jihad. Wake up guys, this has been going on under your noses for years. Perhaps you should stop spending your time being indoctrinated by CAIR.

This begs the question; how many immigrant muslims of all sects and backgrounds in America are waging jihad, or are planning to wage jihad against the US? As Ho Chi Minh so famously observed, guerilla forces cannot survive with the generous help of the population. The hundreds of mosques and islamic community centers around the nation, with or without the approval and knowledge of the Imam are certainly gathering places for radical muslims bent on jihad. They are obvious nodes on an underground islamic network dedicated to the overthrow of Western civilization.



FBI Probes Terrorism Links in U.S. Somali Enclaves

WASHINGTON -- Federal agents are investigating whether young men from Somali immigrant enclaves in the U.S. are traveling back to their parents' homeland to fight on the side of Islamist terror groups.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is following the trail of more than a dozen young men missing from Somali communities in several U.S. cities, including Minneapolis, Boston and Columbus, Ohio, according to people familiar with the probe. Counterterrorism officials in Europe and Australia also are investigating similar reports in their countries.
Families of three teenagers earlier this month went public in Minneapolis, home to the largest Somali enclave in the U.S., saying their teenagers had disappeared in recent months and then turned up in Somalia. The families were spurred to action in part after twin October terror bombings in their homeland. One of them is believed to have been the first suicide bombing carried out by an American, according to U.S. law-enforcement officials.