Monday, December 22, 2008

Fitzgerald: If we cut off the jizya, could things become even worse?

Hugh Fitzgerald makes a powerful argument for cutting off all aid to muslim countries. He concludes that doing so would not make the situation worse, and would actually free up the resources we now devote to helping the double dealing islamic world.

IMHO, the islamic world should be contained and run out of existence, similarly to the way the Soviet Union was brought down.


Fitzgerald: If we cut off the jizya, could things become even worse?

A Jihad Watch commenter recently asked: “A theoretical question or two, especially in light of Hugh’s many posts over the years that money extended to Muslim countries is not only wasted but is financial support which comes back to bite us in the butt many times. Imagine a world in which virtually all American largesse to every Muslim nation ceases (with, perhaps, very minor amounts of direct relief for very specific situations excepted). What then? Certainly not only one scenario can be imagined. How many then? Is it possible that, for America, things could even become worse?”

Here’s The Long Answer:

No, of course not. Add up the sums expended on the Muslims and Arabs, trying to bring them here and there a semblance of prosperity and political decency. Let’s start with Iraq. So far the whole misguided venture, which attempts to undo or diminish or close up the very fissures, ethnic and sectarian, that we should do nothing to discourage but rather intelligently exploit, has cost, in past, present and fixed future costs (such as treatment of wounded veterans), about two trillion dollars. While the Americans made sure to collect money for the first Gulf War, they have done nothing to request, or to receive, any money from surrounding Arab states, even though it might be argued that Saddam Hussein had been a threat to them as well.