Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Norway: Asylum shelter removes mosque

This should prove to be interesting. The clueless vanilla beau racy of Norway is about to be challenged by muslim refugees irate that a they need to move out of govermnent property and find a mosque/community center on their own. As far as muslims are concerned, once an area has been used as a mosque, it must forever after remain in muslim hands, even if they do not own the land.

The local authorities better brace for the usual rioting and death threats by the muslim community.


Norway: Asylum shelter removes mosque

Muslims at the Kongsvinger national shelter won't get their own prayer room any longer. The premises might become a billiard room.

The decision caused strong reactions among the more than 70 people who live in the shelter.

"About 80% of those who live at the shelter are Muslims. In addition, there are many others who come here to pray every Friday," says Alaa Madi, throwing out his arms in resignation.

In what was a holy room for many just a short time ago, there is now painting equipment. The shelter manager decided that the place would serve as a social room instead, maybe with a billiard table, and the work is in full swing.

'Do you want a prayer room or billiard?" asks Madi.

"Prayer room" is the answer in unison from the many male residents who came to give their opinion.

Alaa Madi doesn't live in the shelter, but is a spokesperson for the local Muslims. (This guy is the muslim equivalent of the a Communist organizer. ed.) The Kongsvinger man, who knows many of those who live in the shelter, points out that they have no other prayer room or mosque in the district. (They have no mosque in the area because they expect the government to give them one. ed.)